What Causes Sleep Apnea?

When it comes to sleep apnea, it's often our partner who is first alerted to its symptoms, as the daytime effects of the condition, however damaging, can be difficult to pinpoint to anything specific. So it's important to be on the lookout for these signs especially if we are exposed to any of the risk factors for sleep apnea, as there are a few. The good news is that it is often treatable as the main cause for it is our interrupted breathing in the middle of the night as we struggle to sleep. Our Tomball, TX, dentist may be able to prescribe us an oral device that can allow us to breathe better. Learn more about how our dentist can help us treat our sleep apnea by reaching out to Dr. Dave Dorroh of Dave K. Dorroh, DDS, P.A.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea manifests as our upper airway becomes blocked during the night, and factors like drinking alcohol and being overweight can greatly increase our chances of this occurring. Loud snoring that is accompanied by a struggle to breathe is the most common sign that we are experiencing the condition.

As our body battles to take a breath it wakes us momentarily, but enough to disrupt our sleep. Soon after the cycle repeats anew, robbing us of precious hours of what the experts call good sleep. Most who suffer from the condition have no memory of the interruptions, but they certainly are familiar with its daytime effects.

Lack of sleep can impact our memory, our mood, and our ability to concentrate even on formerly simple tasks. It can make us prone to accidents and may effect affect our immunity to short-term and long-term conditions.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Tomball, TX

A common treatment for sleep apnea from our dentist involves the use of an oral appliance that we wear overnight. It's very similar to a mouthguard and its purpose is to keep our airway from collapsing while we sleep. It's been shown to be a good strategy for patients suffering up to moderate sleep apnea.

Find out if you are a candidate for oral device therapy in treating your sleep apnea by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Dorroh of Dave K. Dorroh, DDS, P.A., in Tomball, TX, by dialing (281) 351-0039.

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